In the Compound

The Page Boy (Thu-nge-daw) makes sure all is in good order for the arrival of the king and his entourage. Page boys were young sons of lesser princes and nobles who served as errand boys in the palace.

Achala is know as Eternal Dhamma Protector. It possesses extremely powerful mantra. It serves as an assistant of Buddha to protect Buddhism. Hence it is also called an executioner. Devotee can see it at the…

It is one of Myanmar’s traditional artforms that constructs the building with brick, stone and concrete. The masons built brick houses, pagodas and bridges. We can see the Myanmar traditional Pan Yan art at Level…

The Bodhi tree, a central symbol in Buddhism, is the tree under which the Buddha found enlightenment. Moreover, it is imperative to celebrate Kason Bodhi tree watering festival, one of Myanmar cultural festival. Devotees can…