Vassavasa (Rain Retreat) Offering of Robes ဝါဆို သင်္ကန်း ကပ်လှူ ပွဲ
Burmese Buddhist Temple 14, Tai Gin RoadVASSA VASA The Vassavasa period lasts for about three months, beginning from the day after full moon of July to full moon day of October. During the three months of monsoon rains, bhikkhus go into…
Thadingyut Full Moon Day သီတင်းကျွတ် လပြည့်နေ့
Burmese Buddhist Temple 14, Tai Gin RoadTHADINGYUT FULL MOON DAY / ABHIDHAMMA DAY / PAVARANA DAY Thadingyut Full Moon Day or Thadingyut Festival is a festival of lights and the second most popular festival in Myanmar after Water Festival (Thingyan). Burmeses…
Kathina Celebration ကထိန်ပွဲ
Burmese Buddhist Temple 14, Tai Gin RoadKATHINA ROBE OFFERING Kathina civara means robes offered to the sangha during the kathina ceremony. Offering of kathina robes was originally made to a group of bhikkhus known as the Bhaddavaggi Brothers of Paveyya region.…